Thursday, November 1, 2007

Mirrored Mimes and In Class Performance Activity

My Performance Art Piece: Mirrored Mimes
Two people sit face to face with arms up and palms barely touching. One person starts to make gestures and the other person has to follow at the same time. Then the other person starts to make the gestures a little faster and the other participant has to keep up. If the activity is done well and practiced the effect would be very much like gestures in a mirror.

I felt that mine went pretty well considering that I thought it would not and that it would be a little ridiculous. It was a little difficult I thought for them to keep up with each other but it went really well and was fun. I participated in another students activity outside. Me and another student, Jordan, stood a few feet away from each other. Jordan threw a ball to me and then I caught it. Then I had to decide where we should move 5 paces (e.g. 5 paces to the left) the I threw him the ball and then he would decide where to move. We were both a little confused at first but then got the hang of it and it became a fun game. One of my favorite activity was that of Casey's who had two participants draw some Jewish stars on a piece of paper. At the end of 2 minutes she asked them what they were thinking about. One answer was very interesting. She stated that she was thinking how symbols can be broken down into simpler shapes. I found this response interesting since generly a responce would be simpler. I think all the activities were interesting and it was neat to see what others came up with for their activity.

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